Don’t Look Back

No, this isn’t a drama, there’s not going to be any DUN! DUN! DAAAA!s or dramatic pauses, just another game review. The game Don’t Look Back is a small, yet very difficult game. It is entirley pixelated and simple, but don’t let that fool you, this game requires skill, thinking, and the will not to throw your iPad/computer at the wall.

In the game, you are a pink pixelated person, you start by looking at a grave, there is no explanation as to why you are there, who’s grave it is, or why you should care, then you have the task of going the opposite direction and seeing whats in store for you in the open world.

This game has only four buttons: left, right, jump, and shoot. At some points in the game, you must use slight of hand and a touch of thinking to pass the obstacles/enemies. Thats all I will tell you about this game: I don’t want to spoil it for you. Hoped you liked this review and found it helpful, Enjoy!

One thought on “Don’t Look Back”

  1. I found this game about 6 years ago on the internet. I found out it was based off the Greek myth of Orpheus. In the story, Orpheus, an accomplished musician, becomes very sad after the death of his wife Eurydice. Refusing to accept her death, he enters the underworld to retrieve her. He meets Hades, the god of the dead, and makes a deal with him. Orpheus gets to take Eurydice back, as long as he doesn’t look back at her while they are leaving. Just as they are about to return to living world, Orpheus turns around to check if Eurydice was still there. He looks at her, and she is lost forever.

    The same thing happens in the game. After defeating the last boss, you find the ghost of a women (Eurydice) who starts to follow you. If you turn around, she disappears and you get a game over.

    The only thing strange about the games relationship with the myth is that Orpheus is walking around with a gun. I’m pretty sure Greek musicians weren’t walking around with pistols back then.

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